Suexec command not in docroot nagios download

Nagios enterprises makes no claims or warranties as to the fitness of any file or information on this website, for any purpose whatsoever. The files and information on this site are the property of their respective owners. This document describes the inbound email commands that are accepted by nagios xi when it receives an email response to a notification. Normally, when a cgi or ssi program executes, it runs as the same user who is running the web server. All other servicemarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owner. Typically you would execute service nagios start to start the nagios daemon, which really calls the etcrc. Nagios is a popular open source computer system and network monitoring software application. This isnt or at least shouldnt be true i automatically compile apache with with suexec docroot srv set. The maintainer of the nagiosnrpeserver package disabled the command arguments by compiling the package without the enablecommandargs option. You may use the command line option s to verify your virtual host. External commands can be used to accomplish a variety of things while nagios is running. Ispconfig installs websites always in var and not home, so you must have modified that after you installed ispconfig and this causes your problem now as home is not allowed for suexec in websites, the suexec docroot is compiled into the suexec linux system binary so all sites have to be in a subfolder of var like.

It is, however, possible to read the nagios log file and check whether it indicates that the command has been parsed correctly. Suexec is a mechanism supplied with apache that allows to execute cgi scripts. You can see what suexecs docroot is by calling suexec v you may need to be root for that. This does not apply to every situation since there could be other issues as well, but this is a method to try and has fixed it for our situations. For future reference, submitting an issue on github for things like this are generally quicker to get a. Nagios was originally designed to run under gnulinux, but also runs well on other unix variants. Basically when i try execute a php script with suexecusergroup set, i get the following error. Connection from monitoringserver port 24011 jun 25 11. Still, i tried a sanity check, to see what docroot suexec actually thought it had.

Ok you are probably missing the ldap plugin for perl. If this is not defined properly, userdir cgi requests will not work. I entered the string into the i file restarted the service and nothing. Nagios aint gonna insist on sainthood, sainthood being a reference to the original name of the software, which was changed in response to a legal challenge by owners of a similar trademark. Nagios can process commands from external applications including cgis see the command cgi for an example and alter various aspects of its monitoring functions based on the commands it receives enabling external commands. Hi, im having a bit of trouble getting suexec to run properly. While there is the test check command button in core configuration manager ccm, this does not always work as expected due to. This tutorial was tested in ubuntu only, but taking into account that we will be compiling almost everything from source, this instructions might work in other distributions like centos and suse linux as well. For more information please refer to the following kb article. First install step we will install nagioa3 package using the command. Mar 03, 2016 in our previous posts, we did show you how to install nagios from source in ubuntu, today we wil see together how to install nagios in one command. As part of this, im trying to make apache execute the gitweb.

Create a server not the default apache vhost, a regular server just as if it was a client of mine. Ispconfig installs websites always in var and not home, so you must have modified that after you installed ispconfig and this causes your problem now as home is not allowed for suexec in websites, the suexec docroot is compiled into the suexec linux system binary so all sites have to be in a. Which of course it isnt, but it isnt there when they access the site via a domain. The nagios web interface uses an external command pipe to control how nagios works.

On debian jessie server, the nrpe checks didnt work like wheezy server. Assuming something in my setup forcing association of. If you are not the intended addressee please contact the sender and dispose of this email. Nagios is a system and network monitoring application that watches host and services that. This document describes how to integrate twilio component with nagios xi for notification. For future reference, submitting an issue on github for things like this are generally quicker to get a resolution. It watches hosts and services, alerting users when things go wrong and again when they get better. This article explains various command line options that are available for the nagios command. Since this is a check for local disks, it will be executed on the monitored host by means of a remote check, not on the nagios host itself, so in this case, its the nagios account on the. If you are in the libexec folder for nagios, you should be able to issue the command.

Feb 17, 2016 while there is the test check command button in core configuration manager ccm, this does not always work as expected due to. Access to this email by anyone else is unauthorized. Nagios, the nagios logo, and nagios graphics are the servicemarks, trademarks, or registered trademarks owned by nagios enterprises. You can build as many live maps as you need to from visio drawings or any other custom image using nagvis. Errors and fixes1 create wrapper containing directory2 create subdirectory for your exact vhost user group config3 create your php continue reading. Nov 20, 2008 it is, however, possible to read the nagios log file and check whether it indicates that the command has been parsed correctly. Usually this is caused by a mismatch between the command name declared in nagios xi to be check through nrpe and the actual command name of the command directive in the remote hosts g file. Seems as if you put your web document root into a wrong folder. There is no way to change this save recompiling suexec. This document is intended for use by nagios users who want to respond to incidents by email. Feb 19, 2008 suexec expects that the php5 executable is in the docroot for the user. Anyone upgrading core must also upgrade ndoutils to 2. Could not open command file usrlocalnagiosvarrwnagios.

Our knowledgeable techs can help you get up and running with nagios xi fast. Still getting command not in docroot usrbinphpcgi in suexec log. Hence, the script could not spy on private data of petition. Nagios xi how to test check commands from the commandline. To restart nagios, you need to send the sighup signal to nagios.

You can see what suexec s docroot is by calling suexec v you may need to be root for that. Dont try to use symbolic links to keep your scripts outside of. Cgi and php scripts run as domain owners will not be executed. When i try to do certain operation from nagios ui, i get error. If you want to enable external command processing, youll. Let us help you deploy nagios xi with a remoteassist or quickstart thats designed to save you time and get you off on the right foot.

We do, however, think these community contributions are pretty damn cool. Restarting nagios using the method below does not actually reload nagios it just causes nagios to flush its current configuration, reread the new configuration, and start monitoring all over again. This defines how nagios will check the status of a given service. Nrpe command your plugin not defined nagios support. You can change it after install apache2suexeccustom. External commands that are written to the command file have the following format. Login as root on the nagios server and run the following command code. Unable to download pdfpngjpg reports nagios support. If you installed from the standard package type for your system downloaded from.

All executables under this directory will be executable by suexec as the user so they should be safe programs. Errors and fixes1 create wrapper containing directory2 create subdirectory for your exact vhost user group config3 create your php continue reading centos 6 recompile apache. Nagios core will execute a plugin whenever there is a need to check the status of a service or host. Jul 17, 2017 however your goal may be to have a dynamic command in your nrpe client and let nagios xi send the arguments as multiple arguments. Follow these microsoft instructions on enabling hyperv on your system. The twilio sms component provides outbound sms notifications from nagios xi, thereby increasing the flexibility, reliability and dependability of receiving critical alerts and notifications. Basically you cant execute anythin outside the suexec docroot.

This will be the only hierarchy aside from userdirs that can be used for suexec behavior. Nagios can process commands from external applications including cgis see the command cgi for an example and alter various aspects of its monitoring functions based on the commands it receives. Install nagios in 1 command on ubuntu and debian squeez unixmen. We are able to download csv reports but unable to download the pdfpngjpg reports in nagios xi. Useful commands to manage apache web server in linux tecmint. The web interface does not use any other means to send commands or apply changes to nagios. Any ideas what i need to change to get this to work. How to set up suexec to work with virtual hosts and php alain knaff. Nagios core uses the results from plugins to determine the current status of hosts and services on your network. Instead, stop nagios by killing it as outlined above and restart it manually. Install nagios in 1 command on ubuntu and debian squeez. By default, nagios does not check for or process any external commands.

Solved help getting nrpe to execute powershell scripts. Due to these limitation, testing some check commands really need to be done at the command line as the nagios. Nagios core nagiosusers cannot open command file for. Any time that suexec logs errors like command not in docroot, the docroot it means is not the apache documentroot youve configured. Plugins are compiled executables or scripts perl scripts, shell scripts, etc. While the reason sounds plausible this feature has several security problems and is often used wrong. In order for webmo to work on an apache web server with suexec enabled, it must follow all of the suexec requirements, which are stricter than those imposed by apache without suexec or by cgiwrap. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful.

The apache suexec command on your system is misconfigured for use in a virtual hosting environment, and needs to be recompiled or configured on systems that provide a configurable suexec command with the docroot set to home. Used properly, this feature can reduce considerably the security risks involved with allowing users to develop. These forums are locked and archived, but all topics have been migrated to the new forum. But there are still servers running this version of centos. I have followed the steps on nagios exchange for testing out the update script. It is executed as the apache user instead of the nagios user.

Used properly, this feature can reduce considerably the security risks involved with allowing users to develop and run. This isnt or at least shouldnt be true i automatically compile apache with withsuexecdocrootsrv set. The suexec command on your system is configured to only run scripts under var, but the virtualmin base directory is home. Example of what can be done include temporarily disabling notifications for services and hosts, temporarily disabling service checks, forcing immediate service checks, adding comments to hosts and services, etc. Specifically, the cgi directory must not be writable by others.

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